Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Neighbourhood Impact Management

Sometimes the greatest security your home can have is a neighbour. The appreciation of the people that live in your neighbourhood may be realised in a time of great need.

So we suggest the following Neighbourhood Practice: Consider, Create a Contingency Plan, Factor in Worse Case Scenarios and Maintain Communication.

Consider the noise in your neighbourhood. Mowing, drilling, building, sawing, playing loud music, holding large noisy parties before 10am or after 10pm - can really impact on a neighbour's wellbeing.

Consider the parking impact on your Neighbourhood. Visitors, Party Guests, Tradespeople or teenage children adding extra cars to your 2 car household can all at times overflow onto your neighbours space.

Consider the parking impact on your Neighbourhood. You may work in a tiny little street in the inner city where cars are lined up and down both sides of the street with barely enough room to move. Take the bus, park a few blocks away and walk - the exercise wouldnt hurt. Plan client meetings for a local cafe. Create alternatives and get creative!

Consider creating a community in your Neighbourhood. Become a Safe House, Hold street Parties, introduce yourself, look out for each other, establish a pet feeding or walking service, hold gardening BBQs and help out elderley or ill neighbours with daily chores. Look after your neighbours mail, garden and pets while they are away. Ask your neighbours about the history of your street and your neighbourhood and create a history book for your local library.

Value and appreciate your neighbourhood as it is and it will become what you want!

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The Earth Mission

Our Mission is to:
Live a simpler life.
Live as part of the earth, part of the tides, the natural rhythms, the planets and the elements.
Align the values of the earth with family, community, work and mine.
Live with less.
Make better use of our resources.
Make better use of our time.

“A robin eats worms in the spring, because it needs the protein to lay eggs and raise chicks.
A robin eats fruit in the summer, because food is abundant and carbohydrates are lightweight energy.
And a robin eats seeds and nuts in the fall, to store fats for the long flight south.
In the same way, it is important for people to vary their diet throughout the year to remain healthy.
Eating locally does that.
It keeps you in touch with the cycle of nature wherever you live."

In our business world, the impact of our operations and actions on our networks, the community and the environment is something we take very seriously.
Feedback from clients, suppliers, associates, alliance partners, employees, shareholders, the community and the environment identifies the voids – the unfulfilled need and this provides the greatest opportunities for change and improvement.
Our quest is never ending as we collect, analyse, research, educate and share our information and ideas as individuals and as a company in the journey of our commitment to manage the impact of our business on the health and safety of our employees, contractors and members of the communities in which we operate and on the environment.

Please join us in this commitment by observing our Push The Earth policy when you do business with us.

Together we can make a difference.